Reliving the Honeymoon... Day 3 part 2

Post Animal Kingdom we went back to re-group at the hotel. 
And, of course, got a million and a half pictures while doing so.

 I loved Cornado Springs, it was very open and had a South-West flair to it. Again, it wasn't as much tailored to kids and didn't have a lot of the theme-y aspects of other parks, but that was definitely ok by us. We can save those hotels for future trips :)

Next we headed for Downtown Disney again. Our first stop was the Margarita Bar, and a shot of SoCo for Lou. 

This sequence reminds me why I hate shots. Blech! Haha!

I love the legos, like building this dinosaur. Whose job is that? How do I get that job?!
We found quite possibly the coolest yo-yos ever. 

Lou was mesmerized. He did pick up a few new tricks though, like eating spaghetti. 
These pics were mostly for my dad. But the Harley's were pretty neat.

The best part of Downtown Disney was the arcade - Disney Quest. All free with passes. 4 stories of games, old school and new. 
This was on the bumper cars, where we actually got to shoot at peoples cars with dodgeballs. 
Martini chandelier at the Brazilian Resturant we went to for dinner post arcade.

This was gigantic, literally bigger than Lou's head. And you can tell that the more we drank the more pictures we took. Kind of a theme :-)

My favorite part was probably going back to the hotel for the water slide and hot tub afterwards though. Days where we never bickered and didn't think about work or family, just ourselves.  A little bit selfish, but oh my gosh was that indulgence amazing. Ahhh take me back! 



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