It's a....


And we couldn't be happier. The 20 week scan showed everything was good (as far as they could tell), though it will still be a relief if she is born and is healthy. 

We had fun telling our family; Lou made cupcakes with pink filling (thanks pinterest!) and they were super tasty too. Everyone was surprised. Most of all me.

Looking at my mothers intuition thus far...well.... let's hope it gets better. You guys. I knew I wasn't pregnant. Knew. I was just going to the doctor, doing a blood test, and going to get a shot so I would get period again after the test came back negative.

Nope... I am definitely pregnant!

And you guys. I knew it was a boy. Don't get me wrong, I didn't care either way. But I knew it was a boy.

Nope...We're definitely having a little girl.

I am floored, in shock. And Louis is over the moon. He is going to be a wonderful father. He is ethical (almost to a fault), intelligent (I'm in trouble, our kid is going to be so much smarter than me), and, most importantly, his heart and compassion are endless. I've never known such a love, and cannot describe the feeling of euphoria I have at this moment. Our love, it has created what I am sure will be our greatest love; our daughter.

Back when we first started to date, Louis and I ran out of words to describe our feelings of how we felt about finding one another. We exhausted the adjectives for happy. And in this moment, we none of those words feel sufficient. Blessed and unbelievably lucky. Each day we get closer to meeting our daughter, and I don't know how it is possible, but I get happier and happier.

Though, I'd be lying if I didn't get a bit anxious.  I'm already scared for her middle school experience. How do I raise a girl? I want to protect her, but I know that some of her struggles will be necessary and unpreventable, and, hopefully, only make her stronger. I've heard children are a reflection of their parents, and I will see, more clearly than in a mirror, my true self, in my child. This makes me want to really step up, to be the person I know I can be, and give her a role model that she can love, trust, depend on, and look up to.

I may not have gotten the mothers intuition right so far, and I can't promise I will get anything right in the future, but I already love this daughter of mine and I can promise that I always will. And that is something I don't need mother's intuition to know :)

Any mothers out there have tips on raising daughters? Or kids in general? You know I'd love to hear about them!



  1. First of all, CONGRATS on finding out the gender! A girl! Woo hooo!!

    Secondly, I think it's totally normal to be anxious about all that lies (lays?!) ahead. It's a big deal, you know? If you weren't anxious then I would question if you cared at all! I think its really refreshing to see a blogger that can openly talk about things like this and be like "I don't know everything, but I'm going to try my best." I love that about you.

    I KNOW you're going to be a wonderful mother.

    1. Thanks Allie :-) I'm working on putting it out there. It's hard, but it's worth it. I'm so grateful to have your support! Let's hope you're right hehe :)


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