20 Weeks

I know you guys wanted to see some grainy iphone bathroom pics. you're soooo welcome!
I've seen these floating around the webosphere and thought it might be fun to jump in. Though, I have to admit, before I was pregnant I hated reading them. Now I search to read every one I can find.

How far along are you? 20 weeks and 4 days. 
Cravings: No real cravings here. Drinking tons of water though.
Weight Gain: 6 pounds. I know it's baby, but gaining weight still stinks though!
Stretch Marks: No, not yet. Fingers crossed!
Favorite moment this week: When all my pets want to curl up with me or on my stomach. They know something is up.  I think they're trying to get in all the attention while they can!
Fears: That she isn't healthy, that I did something wrong during pregnancy (or before conception) that would hurt her. Not being able to lose weight after she's born. Being able to afford to give her the life I want to give her. What middle school will be like for her. Oh and labor is terrifying to think about. 
General mood: Exhausted, anxious, excited to meet her. 
Sleep: I'm in bed by 930 and sleep like the dead - until I have to wake up to pee which happens 2-3x a night - but then right back to dead sleeping. 
Things I was surprised by: How much my lifestyle has already changed due to pregnancy symptoms and mentally and physically preparing for the baby. It's all happening very quickly!

 Also, my eyes have changed. They do not like contacts at all anymore. Not so keen about that!
Things I am most looking forward to: Feeling her move, meeting her. Not being pregnant anymore :-) Sleeping on my stomach, soft cheeses, wine, and sushi!
What I think is really cool and crazy: I still can't believe there is a living person in me. It's surreal. Seriously still blows my mind. It odd to have my belly so big and hard. So bananas! (Which is about how big she is, see what a I did there ;))
Wedding Ring on or off:  On. This is so weird, my fingers have gotten smaller. My feet went down a half /full size too.
Food Aversions: I can't take spicy food anymore. I eat it, but it comes back up. (sorry for TMI!) My body just doesn't like it as much. Black coffee, which used to be my favoriteeee, has too made the cut list. It's very odd to have things not taste the same as they have my whole life. It is like being in someone else's body.
Maternity Clothes: I broke down and bought a pair of h&m maternity pants on clearance. They're alright. Honestly I'm not in love with them. Dresses have been my friends. My sweet cousin, Nicole, gave me tonsss of maternity clothes (and baby clothes) when I saw her last weekend. Probably about to bust those out :-) 
Gender: A girl! Lou and I have been saying her name around the house and to each other. I love it and cannot wait to reveal it. I like that we found out the gender because I have a better vision of our family now, and I think it helps build our bond. That's just me though :-) 

Nursery:  I finished the paintings, Lou spray painted frames and we put together a bunch of pictures for a gallery wall. We have a glider, crib, changing table, that we inherited from Lou's Aunt & Uncle (Thank you Cina & Dave!!). We also have a bookcase and nightstand that I need to paint cream. We still need to paint the room, get a carpet, put on the molding, and install closet doors. The rest is just finishing touches. The real hard part about the room was laying the flooring and re-doing the plumbing. (The baby is sharing a room with the washer/dryer, unfortunately). I felt like we didn't have much left to do until I typed that all out though. Yikes! lol.

Anyways, halfway there. Kind of feeling real now! Holy cow!



  1. I was hoping for pictures, and I hope you keep posting them! I think it's so much fun to read about your pregnancy! All things pregnancy/birth/babies are so interesting and just amazing! It really is bananas (haha!) to think that another human can grow inside of us. SO COOL!

    Also, I can't wait to find out your baby girl's name!


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