20 Week Check - What to Ask

I've started and stopped blogs a few times now, and I really wanted to have a place where I could come and collect my thoughts (again). My goal was to do it daily, but this week, to be honest, all I can think about is the next doctors appointment I have. But I didn't want to miss another post, so another pregnancy post it is!

Tomorrow we have an anatomy (and gender!) 20 week scan. I already have my anal list of questions ready... Is it weird that I am so confident that I know the gender I'm not even that excited about it? (But of course I'm still excited, but only because I can't wait to be told I'm right. How obnoxious confident is that?)
Not that it matters, either way, boy, girl, or both, we really are hoping and praying it is healthy. I can't wait to stop calling it an "it" because it has just felt so wrong to say. It's not an it!

My List of Obnoxious 20 week questions, in case they can be useful to anyone else out there!

1) What is the location of the placenta? 
2) What is the length of umbilical cord?
3) How many vessels does the umbilical cord contain? 
(*most babies have 3; one vein that brings nutrients from the placenta to the baby and two arteries that bring waste back to the placenta. The kidney and heart develop at the same time as the umbilical cord; if there are idiosyncricies in the umbilical cord it is a good idea to double check the kidney and heart development. I found this information at thebump
4) Are all four chambers of the heart formed? Do they look normal? Are cardiac outflow tracks in place? Are there any echogenic foci? (bright spots on the heart) heart beating in normal range?
5) Are there any spinal cord issues? 
6) Is a cleft lip/palette present? Do the face and lips look normal?
7) Are all organs there? Are all the organs developed ok? Are there any abdominal wall /diaphragm defects? Are the kidneys and bladder functioning ok? (And are 2 kidneys present?)
8) Are all the organs hooked up together correctly?
9) Are any fibroids present? If so, how large and what should I do?
10) What is the position of baby currently?
11) What are the percentages/measurements (abdomen, arms/legs, etc) and what the percentage measurements are based off of?
12) Are there any neural tube deficiencies? (ie opening in spine or brain due to lack of folic acid) Is the spine development ok? Are the vertebrae in alignment? Is the skin covering spine in the back?
13) Is the neural translucency still ok?
14) Is the nasal bone still present?
15) Is the amniotic fluid level ok?
16) Do the muscles appear to be working correctly?
17) Are there any brain cysts present?

Patty is my name, being neurotic is my game. I should note that I am not a doctor and do not have a medical licence, these questions are just based off of my own personal research. But I hope these questions help any one else at their 20 week check. 

Just for fun, click here if you want some truly awful ways to announce you're pregnancy. 


  1. I'm pretty neurotic, too!! It's just the way I am, and I've come to accept it. I question everything, and I annoy myself, haha. I think your list of questions is awesome, and I wouldn't have even thought to ask about the cleft palate! Good thinking on that one!

    Are you going to announce (on the blog) what the gender is?!


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