24 Weeks - 6 MONTHS!

I know what you're thinking, another one of these? But unfortunately for you I love reading them (and watching lots of youtubes, like these and these) so here's an update for 24 weeks.

For me, pregnancy has been such a whirlwind of changes. I guess I was a bit of a naive brat before it all, I really didn't think pregnancy symptoms were realllllly legit. I've had a malady of injuries and illness, and I've got a pretty good tolerance for pain and discomfort (I think). Yea, no, either 'they' (looking at all you mothers out there who don't warn people!) sugarcoat things, or it's just not widely publicized, or I, mistakenly, thought wrong. Because no matter what you do, your body CHANGES. And you can't control it. Unless you are one of those mythical pregnancy unicorns...

I've talked to one of these in real life. I still don't buy it! Lies! Most women I talk to ask first thing, "How are you feeling?" and then laugh like it was a hidden joke all mothers play on non-mothers when I list off my symptoms. It's sort of reminiscent of sorority initiation (in theory). Moms = the original hazers. Everyone always says it is worth it in the end. 
That part I believe.

How far along are you? 24 weeks and 2 days. Viability - yesss!! But let's let her cook a little longer :)

i know, i know, you're welcome for another quality iphone bathroom pic!
Cravings: Still no real cravings. I like ice cream, but that is no fault of the baby, haha! 
Weight Gain: Ugh probably somewhere from 8-10lbs. I'm too nervous to check the scale... You'd think the baby was in my bottom in the picture above based on the re-distribution of weight! I kid, I kid. I like my butt.
Stretch Marks: Still no, thank goodness! I've heard this is mostly genetic, so I try not to worry about it.
Favorite moment this week: When Lou was finally able to feel the baby. He lay his head on my stomach and called out every time he felt it. His expression was priceless.
Fears: These are probably the same as they were at 20 weeks. I worry a lot about her health. And finances. Baby stuff isn't cheap! I also worry a lot about the hospital stay. 
General mood: Tired, anxious, excited. Ready to meet her :-) 
Sleep: Uncomfortably. Up 3-4 times to pee and it's hard to get comfortable. The baby sits on my bladder when I'm laying on my back, which just makes me feel like I have to pee even more frequently. On my stomach isn't really possible, the belly is hard and weird to sleep on. My side causes my hips to ache. Sooo... not so much on the sleep. People always say you don't get much sleep once the baby comes, but no one ever mentions that you won't get sleep BEFORE the baby comes. 
Things I was surprised by: This week? My nosebleed and bleeding gums. I'd never had one before! But I currently have a lot more blood (50% more than normal), so it does make sense. 

In general though, how people react to the news. Some are colder and more distant, which sucks, but is definitely one way to sort out the bad eggs from the good eggs. But so many people are so warm and genuinely excited for us. We're feeling the love.

Things I am most looking forward to: I'm really excited about her meeting our family and pets. Her first words. Her meeting our moms. What she looks like, which is so superficial, but I cannot imagine how cool it will be to see a blend of Louis and myself.  So many things to look forward to.
What I think is really cool and crazy: How she feels when she moves inside me!! It's SO weird, and exciting, and strange, and beautiful. I love it.
Wedding Ring on or off Still on, still too big. 
Food Aversions: Still can't tolerate spicy foods, I like the taste but can't stomach them. I also miss liking black coffee, I hate it now. 

Maternity Clothes: Oh yes. I tried to wear a pair of non maternity pants and they fit, but when I went home for lunch and bent down they SPLIT right down the back. Talk about mortification. So, I think we can safely say I will not be trying non maternity pants anymore. Most of my non-maternity dresses I can make do with, though. I still feel like if you didn't know me previously, I just look like I need to lay off the ice cream.
Gender: A little lady :) I wrote about some of my trepidation of having a girl here.

Nursery:  We painted last weekend and put the molding back on. I also reupholstered a glider Lou's aunt gave us. Setting up the furniture in the room made it feel SUPER real. We still have to get some of the little stuff, like sheets etc, but yikes. I feel like we could bring her home and be pretty ready. It's just....to quote Hugh Grant, surreal, but nice. 

2/3 done. 6 months. Only 3 left (or 4) left. ANOTHER pregnancy lie, it's out of 40 weeks. That's 10 months people. Why does everyone say 9??? 



  1. I love these posts so much. You look so happy and adorable! Please keep doing these! Only a few more months to go! :)


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