Day 6 - Kiss Passport of Epcot

On Day 6 of the best honeymoon ever, we spent some more time at Epcot. 

We got a kiss passport and went to town :)  Starting in Canada!

Moving on to France :-)

I should mention we also drank around the world on this day :-) 


More Morocco :)

Asia / Japan :)

Not a fan of sake or plum wine :(
But I liked the kisses!


Germany :)

Scandanavia ! My favorite, but it was mobbed due to Frozen fanatics!

And finally, Mexico!

Then we did another lap. Lou wanted his turkey leg, because America!

Another great and successful day at Disney! 
Just looking at these pictures and thinking of that day puts me in a better mood. Honeymoons are the bees knees of vacations!



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