Honeymooning Day 2 Part 2

The second day was Magic Kingdom, where we had lunch at 'Be Our Guest'

It was adorable, but you will definitely need a reservation. The line was around the block without one!
Magic Kingdom we had been to together before. Unfortunately in Febraury Splash Mountain was being refurbished. But we enjoyed Space Mountain about 5 times instead :) 

For dinner we went to Downtown Disney, which you don't need park passes too. The stores are super cute, we spent a lot of time in the Lego store.
Where we made friends with Woody & Buzz

I'm not sure why but I like this shot. Lou is making me crack up about something or another... 

We stopped a long the way for some festive drinks :)

For dinner we got Cuban at Bongos, Where the margaritas started to kick in...

Ah I miss vacation so much! We already started our savings plan for our next Disney vacation through a Disney Vacation Account. 2017, can you come sooner??



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