Engagement photos, part deux

Journeying back to Tift's Nature Preserve today to share more photos from our engagement shoot. I love reliving that day through these photographs. Being engaged is such a special and magical time. We spent much of ours discussing our future, and making sure we were on the same page about important things. Looking back, taking pre-cana was actually a great decision. It forced us to discuss things that we may not have been comfortable talking about otherwise, or would not necessarily have come up organically. 

Another great thing about these photographs was the motivation it gave me to get my butt in shape for the wedding. I am really proud that I was able to lose about 15-20 pounds between these pictures and the wedding. Having PCOS I struggle with my weight, and it has taken me a long time to figure out what works and what doesn't for me (75g or less carbs a day). I finally realized it isn't just about losing weight, it's about changing and maintaining a completely new lifestyle. I used myfitnesspal for much of my journey, you can feel free to friend me there. 



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