20 Week Check - What to Ask

I've started and stopped blogs a few times now, and I really wanted to have a place where I could come and collect my thoughts (again). My goal was to do it daily, but this week, to be honest, all I can think about is the next doctors appointment I have. But I didn't want to miss another post, so another pregnancy post it is!

Tomorrow we have an anatomy (and gender!) 20 week scan. I already have my anal list of questions ready... Is it weird that I am so confident that I know the gender I'm not even that excited about it? (But of course I'm still excited, but only because I can't wait to be told I'm right. How obnoxious confident is that?)
Not that it matters, either way, boy, girl, or both, we really are hoping and praying it is healthy. I can't wait to stop calling it an "it" because it has just felt so wrong to say. It's not an it!

My List of Obnoxious 20 week questions, in case they can be useful to anyone else out there!

1) What is the location of the placenta? 
2) What is the length of umbilical cord?
3) How many vessels does the umbilical cord contain? 
(*most babies have 3; one vein that brings nutrients from the placenta to the baby and two arteries that bring waste back to the placenta. The kidney and heart develop at the same time as the umbilical cord; if there are idiosyncricies in the umbilical cord it is a good idea to double check the kidney and heart development. I found this information at thebump
4) Are all four chambers of the heart formed? Do they look normal? Are cardiac outflow tracks in place? Are there any echogenic foci? (bright spots on the heart) heart beating in normal range?
5) Are there any spinal cord issues? 
6) Is a cleft lip/palette present? Do the face and lips look normal?
7) Are all organs there? Are all the organs developed ok? Are there any abdominal wall /diaphragm defects? Are the kidneys and bladder functioning ok? (And are 2 kidneys present?)
8) Are all the organs hooked up together correctly?
9) Are any fibroids present? If so, how large and what should I do?
10) What is the position of baby currently?
11) What are the percentages/measurements (abdomen, arms/legs, etc) and what the percentage measurements are based off of?
12) Are there any neural tube deficiencies? (ie opening in spine or brain due to lack of folic acid) Is the spine development ok? Are the vertebrae in alignment? Is the skin covering spine in the back?
13) Is the neural translucency still ok?
14) Is the nasal bone still present?
15) Is the amniotic fluid level ok?
16) Do the muscles appear to be working correctly?
17) Are there any brain cysts present?

Patty is my name, being neurotic is my game. I should note that I am not a doctor and do not have a medical licence, these questions are just based off of my own personal research. But I hope these questions help any one else at their 20 week check. 

Just for fun, click here if you want some truly awful ways to announce you're pregnancy. 

the big ole baby to-do list

well, there's nothing like a huge life change to put a little spring in your very fatigued step. while i let myself get away with the "let's not jinx it" and gave myself a free pass to just not worry about things for the first three months, i am now back to my old, anxious, self.

but what better than to pretend that you have control over your life than to make a list and start crossing things off?

a few things we want to accomplish before baby rosato comes in late january, and that we spent the majority of the weekend working on: (some of these take longer than you would think) 
- fix front step
- fix front door  (we will need to replace this at some point, but for now a cheap fix will do!)
- put molding back on the rooms (removed because we already replaced the floors...i almost want to put floors on here so i have something i can cross off, haha) (got one out of two rooms done!)
- paint nursery... we were waiting to find out the gender (this thursday - fingers crossed - omg!) but we're thinking green
- buy and install nicer curtain rods
- buy and install stackable washer/dryer (it works and it's awesome!)
- get nursery furniture from cina & dave then set up nursery furniture: crib, dresser, and rocking chair (dresser still needs knobs)
- pull up plants in front garden
- plant fall mums in front garden
- cut down trees in front yard (mangled with wires coming in / out of house and growing slanted)
- paint bathroom cabinets white
- buy and hang art in the kitchen
- make fitted crib sheets... this looks like a great tutorial!... and this site has some amazing inspiration for sheets! i did some research on fabric (spoonflower.com is amazing) but it's more expensive to make than to buy. going to scrap this idea.
- hang nursery art (i've already painted a few pieces!). need to paint frames! I think we're set on the art, just need to hang it all up!
- hang picture in living room
- reorganize pantry
- figure out cat litter situation (we used to have it in the second bedroom)
- update light fixture in master bedroom (it currently has bronze monkeys and palm trees....)
- update light fixture in nursery
- put closet doors on in nursery (i went into crazy mode and removed the ugly carpet and 70's accordion doors one day... it was therapeutic)
- update mailbox bought and install
- set up day care situation
- set up a pediatrician
- schedule eye and dentist appointments
- install new shower head (one with an attachment hose)
- print and hang art for bathroom
- buy and install car seats
- stock up on house items
- stock up on pre-made freezer meals
- acquire necessary items from registry
- attend child birth class, and parenting class we will be DIYing these!
- make car set blankets (x 2)... i might check out this tutorial!
- paint cuckoo clock (i bought a cuckoo clock for $10 at the Bouckville Antique Show... i want to paint it something like this or this or this)
- plan a garden for next year. prepare by researching composting and plant organization.
- make a few changing pad covers... like these!
- learn how to properly use my camera
- register for baby done actually! only took about 4 episodes of breaking bad ;)
- pack for hospital
- maybe a diy mobile for over the crib... like this (she used christmas ornaments!)
- i'd love to crochet a couple of these bad boys too!

just having this all typed out makes it feel all feel way more manageable! am i the only list-freak out there? hopefully i'll add some finished pics to an updated list of this sometime soon!

hope everyone had weekends that were maybe not so chore-centered :-)



This past weekend we got to spend time with Lou's family at a family wedding and at a family birthday party. I loved getting to catch up with his cousin Chrissy and his parents! They are truly the nicest family and I am so lucky to have them in my life.

I am so lucky to have this girl in my life! Not just a cousin and neighbor, she's hands down one of the greatest people I know. I love and respect her and have a friggin blast hanging out with her. To call her my best friend is an honor :-)

(17 weeks pregnant! It just looks food-baby-esque)

My sweet inlaws, Lou's mom Mary, sister Severine, and dad James.

Pre-wedding we spent all day at the Bouckville Antinque show (something we do annually and you should check out should you find yourself in central upstate NY in August) with my parents and scored this painting for our kitchen. We'd been hunting for a statement piece since we moved in, and were both drawn to the oil painting. The colors actually tie the whole kitchen together, which Lou was pretty happy about because that means he doesn't have to paint of the California Poppy red walls!

We were also very lucky to pick up gender neutral nursery furniture from Lou's Aunt Cina. Thank you very much Dave & Cina! Between that and the stackable washer/dryer we bought (which will unfortunately have to go in the 2nd bedroom / nursery) the house is really starting together. It's like we're adults or something!

The weekend flew by (don't they always?) but I have to say it was one of my favorites in a while. I loved getting to see both of our families, spend time outside, and get a little dressed up. I've also been working out again, and it feels so great. I didn't realize how much I missed it! The days and weeks are flying by.

How did you spend your weekend?

The First 3 Months

While I am so happy to be able to get pregnant, and cannot wait to meet our little one, the actuality of being pregnant, I'm not the biggest fan of. I'm writing this more to my future self, for preparation when you want to start trying to have another kid. A few survival tips for the first three months to remember for if / when you get pregnant again!

Stay hydrated. Keep a nalagene on you at all times. I've never been a water drinker, but my throat would get so dry if I wasn't basically constantly drinking water. Now, in week 17, it has subsided a bit, but I think this was my only real craving.

Ginger all the things. Ginger ale, ginger tea, ginger snaps (these were the best, thanks mom! And thank you to Lou's Aunt Kristen for the suggestion of ginger snaps), pickled ginger, saltines, lots of water, mint tea, and mints. I personally found ginger chews to be the most effective (though, a little gross), and now I never go anywhere without one or two. Those chews totally zapped my nausea. Another Trader Joe's find from my fantastic mom, but you can always order them from www.gingerpeople.com.

Prepare to stock up on carbs! And prepare for what that does to your body / skin.

Acclimate yourself with every bathroom at work. Try to find the least used one. Getting sick at work, or in any public area, is gross.

Stay well rested

Try to ignore the bloating, which will make you freak out and feel like you area already five months pregnant. Wear some dresses and don't bother touching the skinny jeans. This went away for me around week 10.

Be wary of your girls. Your guy will probably be very excited because your girls are about to look GREAT. But it'll be more of a look but don't touch thing. Luckily this goes away pretty quickly (At least it did for me) and was gone by the end of the first trimester.

Keep mints on you always, the copper metallic taste is awful! Also, having hard candies kept me slightly less nauseated. Slightly.

Prepare for your Superhero sense of Smell. Cat left a present in his litter box on the other side of the house? You will be the first to know.

Acne. Welcome back to what was 7th grade hell. Except you can't use salicylic acid. Witch hazel worked well, using isopropyl alcohol worked alright, and a 50/50 Apple Cider Vinegar/Water solution.  And good concealer.

Other than that I didn't really get cravings, though I did have taste aversions. Specifically to black coffee, the smell of chicken, and spicy food. I miss liking spicy food and black coffee (I could take or leave the chicken). Is that weird to miss something you don't even like the taste of currently?

Now for some pictures!

The first sonogram was done to determine how far along I was (my cycles are not regular) and also to confirm pregnancy. This was at 5 weeks 4 days and was just a gestational sac at that point. My dad said it looked like a rabbit - do you see it?

I couldn't figure out how to move this one. But this was taken at 8 weeks 4 days, and the little one is on it's head! This was taken because I started with a new doctor.

The 12 week sonogram was taken to see how I was progressing and was taken at 12 weeks 2 days. This was the first one Lou got to see live (I didn't know I was going to have the 8 week one done ahead of time.) The heart beat was 176bpm and it measured 5 cm.

The view of it's underside. He/she was being very modest and covering up. Hopefully it won't be that shy next week!

Low neck fluid and presence of nasal bone development were both good signs.

This last picture they don't normally give because at 12 weeks the skull hasn't fully developed and it looks a bit... not human! Lou thought it looked a bit like Frieza... I see what he means haha!

image via

The next appointment we'll find out the gender and check the anatomy. I just hope everything looks alright. Louis and I (and most of our families) are convinced it's a boy. Fingers crossed everything looks alright :-)

Change of Season

It's a gray and drizzly late August morning, and Autumn has started to make it's subtle chill known. Summers in New York are a glorious thing; short and sweet, full of lakes and lightning bugs. But there is something magical about fall. I think it goes back to school days, using new pencils, trapper keepers, and picking out the first new outfit to embark on a new year with a fresh start, clean as a new sheet of loose leaf, but the change fall brings always excites me.

This is will be our first autumn as a married couple, fifth as a couple, seventh as friends. And, this change in season is truly bringing another huge change in our lives. We were very lucky (and surprised!) to find out our we are expecting a baby in January. We're excited, and nervous, and in awe. We're grateful for our life and love, and are just so thankful for every second of our life. It's not perfect, far from it, but it's ours.


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