37 Weeks

How far along are you? 37 weeks exactly, yay for my iphone photos, right?
Cravings: Just lots of water. Re-introducing spicy foods, pineapple juice, dates, raspberry leaf tea, and anything else that is supposed to induce labor...commencing...now! 
Weight Gain: Right around 15 lbs. I definitely have a 'don't tell me the actual number' policy with the nurses. They just tell me what I've gained. I can do the math, I don't need to hear it out loud. If you say it out loud, it's real.
Stretch Marks: Ugh. Yes. 
Favorite moment this week: When Lou said, "I hope she gets my toes." The things we talk about! He also told me about how he read about uterine massages. I love that he is so supportive, and I fall so much more deeply in love with him than I ever knew was possible when he says and does things like that. (He also says things like "I can't wait until you're not pregnant anymore so I don't have to listen to you." He's joking of course, trying to get reaction out of me. It works ;)) 
Fears:  I just am so eager to meet her, and I just want to know she is as healthy as possible. I won't be able to let go of this crippling anxiety I've had since May that I've somehow messed her up in there. I'm sure I'll get a whole new set of anxieties, but it will, God willing, hopefully be nice to let this one go.
General mood: Impatient! Anxious. Excited. 
Sleep: Not really, though Lou is giving me the full bed most nights and camping on the couch, which has helped considerably. I miss him though :-(
Things I was surprised by: How surreal it all still feels.
Things I am most looking forward to: Seeing a new little piece of Louis running around. I can't wait to see our pets with her, either!
What I think is really cool and crazy: That there is actually life inside me right now. That I'll get to meet her soon. It doesn't feel real.
Wedding Ring on or off Still on, after baby weight (and honey moon weight, and Patty gluttony weight, is off, I'm going to get it resized)
Food Aversions: Unfortunately a lot. It's not so much that I don't like things or they don't taste good. It's that my body doesn't like them and I throw them back up. Bland has been the theme of this pregnancy.  

Maternity Clothes: Oh yes. Gym clothes too. Mostly black.  
Gender: A little lady :) 

Nursery:  Yes, owls and foxes. I revealed most of it here.

Please little baby girl, think about coming a week or so early? I want to meet you so bad!



  1. 37 weeks already! I am so excited!! I know what you mean about the whole "things we talk about" haha. Jimmy and I have the goofiest conversations ever! Most of them are just so weird, haha. I get it for sure :)


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