Cravings: Just lots of water. Re-introducing spicy foods, pineapple juice, dates, raspberry leaf tea, and anything else that is supposed to induce!
Weight Gain: Right around 15 lbs. I definitely have a 'don't tell me the actual number' policy with the nurses. They just tell me what I've gained. I can do the math, I don't need to hear it out loud. If you say it out loud, it's real.
Stretch Marks: Ugh. Yes.
Favorite moment this week: When Lou said, "I hope she gets my toes." The things we talk about! He also told me about how he read about uterine massages. I love that he is so supportive, and I fall so much more deeply in love with him than I ever knew was possible when he says and does things like that. (He also says things like "I can't wait until you're not pregnant anymore so I don't have to listen to you." He's joking of course, trying to get reaction out of me. It works ;))
Fears: I just am so eager to meet her, and I just want to know she is as healthy as possible. I won't be able to let go of this crippling anxiety I've had since May that I've somehow messed her up in there. I'm sure I'll get a whole new set of anxieties, but it will, God willing, hopefully be nice to let this one go.
General mood: Impatient! Anxious. Excited.
Sleep: Not really, though Lou is giving me the full bed most nights and camping on the couch, which has helped considerably. I miss him though :-(
Things I was surprised by: How surreal it all still feels.
Things I am most looking forward to: Seeing a new little piece of Louis running around. I can't wait to see our pets with her, either!
What I think is really cool and crazy: That there is actually life inside me right now. That I'll get to meet her soon. It doesn't feel real.
Wedding Ring on or off: Still on, after baby weight (and honey moon weight, and Patty gluttony weight, is off, I'm going to get it resized)
Food Aversions: Unfortunately a lot. It's not so much that I don't like things or they don't taste good. It's that my body doesn't like them and I throw them back up. Bland has been the theme of this pregnancy.
Maternity Clothes: Oh yes. Gym clothes too. Mostly black.
Maternity Clothes: Oh yes. Gym clothes too. Mostly black.
Gender: A little lady :)
Nursery: Yes, owls and foxes. I revealed most of it here.
Please little baby girl, think about coming a week or so early? I want to meet you so bad!
Please little baby girl, think about coming a week or so early? I want to meet you so bad!
37 weeks already! I am so excited!! I know what you mean about the whole "things we talk about" haha. Jimmy and I have the goofiest conversations ever! Most of them are just so weird, haha. I get it for sure :)