34 Week Update

Hello, Hello!

Another baby update for your viewing pleasure today.
The top photo was taken of our squirmy baby who had her hands in front of her face when I was 31 weeks 1 day. The bottom left is Louis, the bottom right (the one that looks like she's pooping) is me.

How far along are you? 34 weeks 1 day, continuing the iphone bathroom photo trend.
Cravings: I hadddd to have chocolate chip pancakes a few weeks ago. I didn't have them and I wanted them for days.  It was strange, not just like I normal urge, like I couldn't be satiated until I had pancakes. Lou's pancakes.
Weight Gain: Holding around 10-12 lbs. Doctor says it's fine and I don't ask for a number.
Stretch Marks: Yea.... which stinks because I haven't gained that much weight. I am prone to them, and there's not much I can do about it now. I do use creams and oils daily.
Favorite moment this week: This was right around Thanksgiving, but Lou said something like how he wants to raise her so she'll turn out exactly like me, because I'm strong. And I was just so completely moved by that.
Fears: All the previous ones, like at 20 weeks, and more. I just want to meet her and see that she's healthy and I didn't mess her up somehow in my body. I worry about how to raise a good person. I also worry that this pelvis pain won't go away and that I'll never be able to wear contacts again... vain, but true.  
General mood: So much going on. Excited, Impatient :-) 
Sleep: I'll let you know once I start sleeping again... Seriously hard to get comfortable, insomnia, and potty breaks. 
Things I was surprised by: Ohh it would be TMI for the internet. 
Things I am most looking forward to: Just meeting her, having her here, our new family.
What I think is really cool and crazy: That she is almost here!
Wedding Ring on or off Still on, still too big. 
Food Aversions: Lots... not because I don't like the taste. Heartburn and nausea always&forever. 

Maternity Clothes: Yep... lots of dresses. The elastic waist band on pants tends to slip down. 
Gender: A little girl! :) 

Nursery:  Yep - mostly done. I revealed most of it here.

So soon... It's so hard to wait! I just want to speed up time... to meet her and get my body back! 41 days if she comes on her due date!



  1. I love your "Favorite moment this week" umm... Lou is the sweetest! You baby girl is going to be here before you know it and I am SO excited for you guys!

    1. Thanks Allie :-) I am getting quite impatient over here! lol


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