Some Things I Believe Right Now (#1)

This is a blog series I've seen in a few of my favorite blogs (Freckled Italian and Little Things & Curiosities) and I've always found them... soul refreshing.

that lavender baths everyday are exactly the type of indulgence I can support in my life

requesting flowers from your husband doesn't make the flowers any less beautiful or sweet when they arrive on your table, thoughtfully chosen by your 3 year old daughter

some stories are ok to re-tell everynight, and those moments of rocking your daughter to sleep are so sweet, and pure, and tiring they are to be cherished. even when she giggles as she toots on you, especially then.

remembering where you were in your life, and who you used to be, when you met your partner is important...especially when you talk and see how much you've changed and how far you've come

second breakfast... can i get a hec yea from all the pregnant ladies on this one?

that it's ok to wish for time to speed up so you don't have to be pregnant anymore, but simultaneously want it to last forever so you can cherish one on one time with your first baby as a family of 3

that it's ok to stop making an effort with some people and focus on others, or yourself

that listening to the same playlists you did 10 years ago and be completely ok with the fact your favorite music is still the same is completely fine

that worrying about growing older is natural and can be healthy, and to focus on self care and your body is important

it's ok to literally forget how old you are for at least 5 minutes yesterday... true story. I'm 32 I finally remembered

that you should always accept offers to travel back in time to see dinosaurs in your daughters time machine, but that when you travel back to the renaissance you should expect POOP everywhere


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