28 Weeks

                                                                              How far along are you? 28 weeks!
Cravings: None. I get hungry every 4-5 hours and can't eat big meals, but that's about it. 
Weight Gain: 13 pounds. Oh  vey. I have still been using myfitnesspal (username plooty222 if you're on there) and have been trying to keep within reason. 
Stretch Marks: Still no, fingers still crossed!
Favorite moment this week: When I overheard Lou telling his coworker about how I told him I was pregnant. Major feels! 
Fears: I'm very worried about the hospital stay. I don't want to stay 48 hours. I would do a home birth but I am terrified something might go wrong.  Still worried about raising a person who has good morals, is intelligent, and kind.
General mood: Happy, excited, still exhausted, and always anxious :-) 
Sleep: Nope. Up 3-4 times still to pee. Now accompanied by hip pain (caused by relaxin, a hormone which makes hips more flexible during pregnancy). Those body pillows they make fun of pregnant women for? Yea, I broke down and bought one. No regrets here.  It still isn't a blast sleeping though, but the good news is I'll be more used to getting very little sleep without any caffeine by the time she gets here :-)
Things I was surprised by: How surreal it feels. It doesn't feel like real life yet.

Things I am most looking forward to: Meeting her. Seeing Louis with her. Introducing her to our pets and watching her grow.
What I think is really cool and crazy: Feeling her move is just out of this world. I love it.
Wedding Ring on or off Still on, still too big. Weird, right? 
Food Aversions: Coffee and spicy, and I really don't like the smell of chicken cooking.

Maternity Clothes: Yes, lots of dresses with my old sweaters/cardigans (not buttoned). A lot of hand me downs from my cousin and Old Navy sale stuff. 
Gender: A girl! I am really happy we found out because it helps me to bond with her, we call her by her name at home!

Nursery:  The art is up! Just need sheets, knobs, and a rug. We tried to get closet doors but evidently the genius who re-did our house made the closet with the funkiest measurements.... so custom doors it is! We may just put up a curtain for now.

3rd trimester. I can't believe it. Any advice or words of wisdom? I'm freaking out a little right now!



  1. Awww, I love your favorite moment! That's so cute! As for the home birth thing, if you have a midwife there, I'm sure she wouldn't let anything get dangerously out of hand and would take you to the hospital at the first sign of danger! I think about hospital vs. home birth a lot, and my consensus is that I would probably have my second child at home and first in a hospital!!


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