
Four years ago Louis and I stood in front of our closest friends and family and became a family. I couldn't imagine at that time our lives would be where we would be today, and am so grateful. In the few short years I've been married, I can tell you marriage is not easy. It is a constant battle of changing, being true to yourself, but also making the effort to change together, towards each other.

“Love is a temporary madness; it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides.  And when it subsides you have to make a decision.  You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part.  Because this is what love is.
Love is not breathless, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion… That is just “being in love” which any fool can do.  Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident.
May your roots grow towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossoms fall from your branches, you find out that you are one tree, and not two." - Louis de Bernieres

We chose to dance to "The Curse," which was, in retrospect, a very longgggg song to pick for someone who doesn't like the spotlight and doesn't dance very well. There is a line, 'after thousands of years, what a face to wake up to.' And I think, it is an odd song, but I think we both felt like meeting each other was when we woke up and our hearts started beating. The original "woke" moment, if you will. The video is beautiful, if you have a chance to watch the animation of it. 

Happy Anniversary, Lou. Thanks for choosing me, everyday. 

Spring Tease

There is absolutely nothing like a brief preview of spring that literally puts a little spring back in your step.

Windows open, shoes muddy, eyes sparkling. Spring, we're ready whenever you want to officially come!

Back again

I've been thinking about this little corner of the interwebs I have for some time. I love that I've captured my first pregnancy so well here in a way that I never seem to be consistent with in a journal form. And I love the first few months of my Lanie posts. Even if I'm the only one who ever comes back and re-reads this space, I like it. So I'm bringing it back :)

Life these days, well, it's fast. And tiring. And messy. And really, really wonderful. I literally stop and look at my family and my heart fills with love. Seeing the world through a 3 year old (seriously how is she 3?!) eyes is truly magical. She learns so fast and doesn't miss a trick.

Last week we were at a trampoline birthday party, we got there and she was OFF. She LOVED it, and didn't stop for the entire hour we were in the play area. At the end, she ran directly into my arms, threw her arms around me, gave me a huge kiss, and said ,'I love you mommy!'

We've been going out a lot on the weekends, mostly errand running, so Lou can get work done. She is a blast and so observant. Saturday mornings full of coffee and donuts and Lanie and Mommy adventures. Museums, the mall, grocery shopping, play dates, her hand in mine, requests for 'No Roots' by Alice Merton, singing, and escalator rides.

Imaginative play at home I admit is not my strongest suit, and something I have a hard time coming up with creative scripts for. But we still have some good times at home, too. 'I like messes' - Lanie, is probably the most accurate statement ever made. My little pony, "powderpuff" girls, and legos have slowly replaced dinosaurs. It's the end of an era, but it's an exciting new era. Every day seems to be getting better and better, and I'm loving every moment.

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